
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, June 25, 2010

100 days

So I just noticed my little baby ticker (aka sarcastic baby) says there are 100 days to go until my due date. I'm not sure whether to say Hooray!!! or EEEK!!! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our very own home!

Greg and I are all moved into our new house! We are loving it here! It feels good to own our little piece of Earth! Enjoy the pics!

Kali is quite content!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Treehouse Cottages Year 4

Last week Greg and I took our annual trip to the Treehouse Cottages in Eureka Springs. Leaving was somewhat bittersweet this year since it was our last getaway before the little one makes
his/her arrival. We did have a wonderful time! We explored through town a little more and went to Turpentine Creek Animal Refuge. Hopefully it won't be the last time we get to visit!

Turpentine Creek

1 of our 2 squirrel friends at the Treehouse

Our Treehouse "Lofty Lookout"

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sorry it's been a while since I updated. I put the latest 2 growing tummy pics up. I am hoping that next week I will have more to update. We are putting the finishing touches on our house decor AND going to vacation next week. So after all of that I will post some more pics.