
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 2, 2010

No News is Good News

I suppose that is true...considering I haven't updated in quite a while, but I have nothing eventful going on. We have about 4 weeks left at this point. It's coming very quickly. We still have a few things to get/do: new dresser handles, book/toy shelf, travel system, etc. Nothing we can't take care of over a weekend, but finding the energy for me is a struggle. I'm in the 2nd full week of school and have around 18 days left until my leave starts (as long as baby waits that long). I've still got to prepare for being gone along with getting the swing of the new year. I've moved up to 2nd grade this year, which I am much more comfortable with and feel a lot less worried about leaving this class. Everything will work out, I'm just ready to meet my baby!