
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cutie Face

I thought this picture was really cute! He loves to lay on his Momma!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

1 Month Old

Has it really been a month already? It's hard to believe how fast Connor is growing! We don't have an exact weight or height but we know he's over 10 pounds and somewhere around 22 inches now. He's learning all the time also! He sometimes smiles when you talk to him and he's figuring out his arms and hands. He makes all sorts of sounds and loves looking and Momma and Daddy's faces! He's an amazing little guy and we are so lucky to be his parents!

1 Month

1 Month

1 Month

Friday, October 15, 2010

2 Weeks Old

Connor is 2 weeks old!
Connor turned 2 weeks old this past Monday. We took him for his 2 week check up to find pretty awesome results. He now weighs 9 lbs. 9 oz. and has grown almost an inch! He's in the 70th percentile in all his measurements. His doctor thought he was an amazing little boy! We are so proud!

1 Week Old

Connor is 1 week old!

This is our little guy at 1 week old. I just had to document his mohawk!

Connor James is here!

After weeks of no updates, I finally have some news. On September 27, 2010, Greg and I welcomed our little boy, Connor, into the world. He was born at 9:27 p.m. I had mild contractions all day Sunday, but on Monday morning they got stronger and closer together. At about 9:00 a.m. we headed to the hospital and found out we were having a baby that day! I spent the day in my epidural around 2 p.m., which made life much easier at that point. At 8:00 my doctor surprised me and said it was time to push. Unfortunately, after an hour and a half of pushing, the little guy had not progressed. He was face up and unable to turn to get into the birth canal. We headed off to have a C-Section around 9:00 and got to hear his first cries soon after. We did not know we were having a boy so that was very exciting. We brought Connor home on Thursday, September 30th, and have enjoyed learning as much as possible about him and adjusting to our new life as his parents. He is a wonderful baby...very happy and strong. We couldn't ask for more!