
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We had our first appointment and ultrasound today. It was so great to see AND hear the little one's heartbeat. He/She is measuring at 2.5 centimeters. They did not change my due date (still October 3rd) even though the measurement was about 1 day off. I'm okay with that. They did discover that my progesterone level was borderline low so I've been put on some supplements until the end of my first trimester to increase that level. But there are no major concerns since baby has grown well so far. We are going back in 2 weeks to talk about the lab results from all the poking, prodding, and blood drawing (4 tubes!) done today. As long as there are no complications our next ultrasound will be May 18th and we can bring a DVD to record it! We are both very thankful that everything has turned out so well and very excited to become parents!

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