Connor's First Snow
Eating like a big boy!
Playing with Mom and Dad
Such a little man!
Toys have become very fun!
Matching hats!
Loving Poppy...looking like a little boy, not a baby!
Tummy time is more fun because he can roll over when he gets tired of it!
He loves his "baby pod." He was actually sick with a cold in this pic, but a boy must play!
Our little family has had a bit of a rough month. Connor is still as cute as ever and growing, changing, and learning every day. At the beginning of the month Greg was sick with the stomach bug. I did everything I could to keep Connor and me well. We managed to steer clear of the stomach bug, but both of us ended up with a cold the next weekend. We have yet to have a completely well weekend because after lots of congestion, Connor had a touch of pink eye last week. Because of all of this, our baby boy hasn't slept well in a few weeks. The last few nights have gone better so we're hoping he's working back to his good sleep routine. When we took Connor to his 4 month check up his doctor was very impressed with his motor development. She thinks he's fantastic! Of course, so do we! He weighed a little over 15 pounds and is 26 inches-80th percentile for height and head circumference, 50th for weight. He has really grown a lot longer in the past few weeks! He can now consistently roll over from his tummy to his back and has almost gotten from back to tummy a few times. He loves his toys and EVERYTHING goes in his mouth! He laughs all the time and has starting "talking" quite a bit. He's eating cereal some now and loves the spoon. Everyday is something new and difference and I absolutely love watching him grow and learn. It's amazing what this little guy can do and he's only (already?!?!) 4 months old!
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