
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 8

There isn't much to report for this week. We are counting down the days until next Tuesday so we can get the first glimpse of our little baby! For the most part, I am extremely tired, feel sick and hungry (not a good combo), and get cranky more than usual. Hopefully there will only be about a month left of most of that so I can feel more productive!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Fun Times

So this past weekend was Valentine's Day. Greg said we'd have a Valentine weekend instead of just one day. So we started off with gifts on Friday. I got a gift from him and from baby! Saturday we went out to dinner at Shogun. We were going to go to a movie yesterday but I didn't feel very well so we opted for a rental (Couples Retreat) and stayed home! We had a great weekend! Here are my gifts:

Here is a fun pic that Greg thought of while I was making dinner Friday night!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Moving Right Along

Greg came home today with an armful of goodies. My favorite so far was the dinner (Taco Bell). BUT I have 2 Valentine gifts just waiting to be opened this weekend. One says "My Loving Wife" and one says "My Loving Mom." Greg says the baby told him to get a gift for me! :) I am so glad to have such a wonderful husband to take care of me! I have been rather cranky and nauseous the last couple of days but he really makes me feel better! I will be sure to post what he got me and what baby got me!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Greg and I thought we'd make this site for our friends and family to follow along in our journey. We hope you all enjoy reading about our growing family!

We have been married almost 4 years now and decided it was about time to make an addition to "us." We officially started "trying" in October 2009 but after many years on birth control, it took my body a while to adjust. We weren't sure how long it could take for that to happen but are very pleased that on January 22, 2010 we got the news we were waiting for. Being that my 25th birthday was in 2 days, I consider this the most wonderful gift I could get!

I haven't visited with the doctor yet but had a blood test on January 26th to confirm that I am indeed pregnant. I am going back to the doctor for my first prenatal appointment (and ultrasound) on March 2nd.

Everything has gone very well so far. It is still early on in this journey, so I expect it to get harder before it gets any easier. Greg has taken wonderful care of me so far...from putting up with my worrying to bringing me crackers at 3 am when I was feeling sick. I am going to attempt to update about every week with a new picture of my growing tummy and any other updates. So check back often!

Thanks to all our wonderful and supportive family!