
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Going into week 17 I realized that I am feeling baby kicks! Of course they are not very strong and kind of random, but they are there! It's very exciting! My tummy is also getting quite poochy. I am very happy to own some cute maternity clothes because I was running out of things to wear! The most exciting thing coming up (besides the ultrasound and new house) is registering for baby stuff! We are going this weekend to register at Target and BabiesRUs. Feel free to have a look! :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 16

We had our 4 month doctor visit on Wednesday. Heartbeat sounds good and everything is going well. We go back in 4 weeks and in 5 weeks have our next ultrasound. The house buying is still going well. We are scheduled to close on May 18th and begin moving. We are planning Memorial Day weekend to be our first weekend to live there. I am hoping this week will be less busy than last week!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 15

Week 15 has started off very busy and exciting. Last week we had the offer accepted on the house so we moved on to scheduling inspection and such. Monday the inspection went very well. There are just a couple of minor roof issues that we are going to get worked out. Tuesday (today) we are celebrating all the house stuff with my parents at Olive Garden (YUM!). Wednesday I will be going to the doctor for a check up. I can't wait to hear that little heartbeat again! Thursday an old friend is coming by because she is selling U-Verse and is hopefully going to set up the installation for the new house. Friday...if I am able to stay awake by then...I will be ready to relax! We are very excited about the house and can't wait to move in and get our home ready for our little one. Here is a picture of my expanding tummy (taken with our new camera...also a Monday activity). I will update any exciting news from the doctor on Wednesday!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week 14 and Unexpected News

Week 14 (hooray 2nd trimester!) is upon us. We didn't take our normal picture this week mostly because I wanted to show off one of my new maternity shirts. I still have a few things I can wear comfortably and most maternity stuff is still a bit big, but it is much more comfortable. My mom has spoiled me (again) by buying me lots of cute spring and summer shirts to keep me and baby looking good.

Now the unexpected part. I would say it has nothing to do with the baby, but I guess it does. Greg and I spontaneously decided to go house hunting last Thursday after finding a very tempting home in a desirable neighborhood (for a great price). We thought long and hard about that home and just missed out on offering on it. However, another home had just been listed-same builder, same floor plan, same size, but better updates and amenities. We put an offer in on Saturday and as of today (and with some negotiation) have a verbal agreement to purchase this home. Once we get the signed contract and the inspection we should be good to close on our FIRST home on May 18th-also the same day we have our next ultrasound! We are very excited about the unexpected turn in our lives and feel very blessed to have such a loving family that can help us achieve our dreams. Here's a picture of the outside of the house. There are more pictures posted on my Facebook if you are interested.