
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011

5 months

Another month has flown by in our little world. Connor has learned SO much in just the past few weeks. He rolls all over the place. He talks ("ba, ba, ba", "geww", and "ehh" are his current favorites). He can almost sit completely unassisted. He tends to topple over if he gets excited over his toys. Speaking of toys, he LOVES to play. We play so much! Everything, of course, goes into his mouth. We also purchased a bouncy pod that he count probably sit in for hours and be completely enthused. He has also started sleeping much better. When he got his first cold, he did not sleep well for a while. He now sleeps most of the night every night and sometimes doesn't wake at all until 6 or 7. He is such a happy baby. We are so lucky to be his parents. He makes every day so bright!

Here are some pics from the past month or so:

 Thoughtful baby boy.
 Dad came to get me at school!
 Ready to go!
 Loving his playmat
 Scout is my best friend!
 Not going to get pinched today!
 I am a cool dude.
 Loving a dad ride!
 Cutie Pa-tootie...
...most of the time! :)

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